Thursday, 26 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  
1.  I think I did very well to achieve both goals. I know I have completed this goal because I did wake up at 7.00am and I did try some different foods that I haven't tried before.

2.  I am most proud of doing the gorge walk because it was really hard and my legs started to feel sore but I still did it.

3.  The thing that challenged me the most was trying to fall asleep because the sleeping bags made some noise as well as kids talking but I was really pleased when I did fall asleep.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Geometry Car Badges

We have been learning about transformation.  We have specifically learnt that...

  • translation is when an object slides in any direction;
  • rotation is when an object is turned around a central point;
  • reflection is when an object is flipped and has a line of symmetry.

Our challenge was to design a car badge that contained at least one of these aspects of transformation.  I choose to do a car badge about what I like.

My Big Idea:

I really love your badge Amy! 
You have showed reflection really well.
What I think you should work on is to try to get more translation in your badge to make it more unique.
Well done,
Aye :-P

Evaluation:I think I did a really great job with making sure everything was reflected onto the other side. Next time I do this I could have made my picture a bit bigger so I could see it a bit more easily, also I could have put my self into the pit and not just have done reflection but have done something else as well as reflection.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

How Clouds Were Made? By Amy

Purpose: create a story to share orally

Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.

Characters draft

My Story Board

This is my video of me performing to my audience:

Big Idea:
My big idea is to turn my story in my book to story telling at the Marae, without my book because that's how maori people used to tell their story's. My story is about how clouds were made. I wanted to do it about something that would inspire others about that you can make up any story even if its not real.

Success Criteria:
Between 1 and 2 minutes long

Using your voice to make sounds effects Using your whole body to make actions

Use your face to tell a story through facial expressionKnowing the story, knowing the setting

Get the picture into your listener’s head

Stay in character - keep your composure

Audience participationUnique and original (Hook your audience)

Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did a very good job at storytelling but If you do it again make sure the camera is still.😃

I think I did a great job with using facial expressions because I showed my audience that the different characters had different faces, though I need to remember to stay in character because of my voice, when I am about to finish a sentence my slowly creeps back to normal and then it doesn't sound right. When Ebony said that some of us were going to perform at the Marae I sank back into my chair and thought to my self OH MY GOSH! I am so nervous I don't want to perform in front of 30 kids.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Star Test

We did a star test. There were some parts that were hard and some parts were easy. I think thought that I was challenged a lot. There was four sections to the test, Word Recognition, Sentence Comprehesion, Paragraph Comprehesion and Vocabulary.

Big Idea:
My new goal for this term is to get better at my Comprehesion because I need to work on seeing a mental image in my mind. I am going to practice hard so I can see in my mind what I'm reading a lot more than what I am doing now. I want to complete this goal by the end of this term. I know I have completed this goal by letting someone I know listen to me read and then talking to them about what I saw in my mind after I read a paragraph. I know I haven't completed this goal if after I read for 20 mins I am still having trouble to see a very clear picture. 

Bus Stop Writing

Purpose: Describe the characteristics of an object 

Big Idea: Big, bright and yellow. This bus stop is very strange. It is different in its own way. I have never come across a picture like this before and I think it is very creative. Maybe it is part of an old bus but maybe they sprayed yellow paint on it to make it look new? It would be cool if there are more bus stops like this in the future maybe it would look cool.