Thursday, 3 September 2015

Math Portfolio Sample

In my workshop I have been learning about how to use the box method, when we are trying to solve multiplication and division questions. We try solve harder questions, that we can't solve straight away.

Big Idea:

Feedback/Feedforward: I think you have exsplanded it really well no one will be able to misunder stand it. I think you could make it better by not writing in words because in maths it's all about numbers

I think I have got the idea of how to do the box method but I think I need to work on getting faster on the strategy. I know I can get better at this when I get faster at it. I have a goal that I will work on it until it gets fast. I know I have accomplished it when I can get a really hard division or multiplication and solve it really fast.


  1. What a great evaluation Amy! Remember that this is a strategy for slow maths, so it doesn't matter if you are not super fast at it!

  2. What a great evaluation Amy! Remember that this is a strategy for slow maths, so it doesn't matter if you are not super fast at it!
