Monday, 6 May 2013

In the holidays

In the holidays it was my sisters birthday. Her birthday is on the 3rd of may and Maraki's sister peara her birthday is only 1 day after Hannah's. We went to Bead Bazaar for her birthday. Hannah got to invite 7 people but only 6 could come. Once we got started I went and got my special bead to hang in the middle. I chose a purple bead and it was a 3d bead. Then I went and got heaps of pink glow in the dark beads. Now I was starting to get my beads into a necklace kind of shape. Once I was done I got to put some coloured string on and I chose light purple. Now since it was all done I got to put it on and I think that it looked very pretty ! Now we walked all the way to our car and went home.

The end

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