Monday, 9 December 2013
We were learning how to build some shapes with some plasticine and ice block sticks. Here are two of my shapes that me and Rosalind made. There is the picture of the data at the bottom of the post.

Thursday, 28 November 2013
My Can Art
This week for Hands-on Homework I had to make an Andy Warhol can. We could make the can on Kidpix/Artrage. I did mine on Kidpix. Here it is.
Friday, 22 November 2013
My Split Strategy
In maths I have been learning the split strategy. Here is a video of Rosalind and me doing the split strategy.
How I Get To School?
This week for Hands-on Homework we made an educreations about how you would get to school. Here is my one. Please leave a comment and let me know what it's like.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
My Poem
This week for Hands-on Homework we had to choose a favourite poem and then put it on our blogs. This one is called Midnight snack. I hope you like it.
Friday, 1 November 2013
My Church
This week for Hands-on Homework we had to make a place of worship using Minecraft. I choose a church. Here are some pictures of it.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
My Castle
This week for Hands-on Homework we had to create something on minecraft. I choose to build a castle. I hope you like the pictures that I took of it.

Thursday, 26 September 2013
My Phoster About Kidsedchatnz
This week for Hands-on Homework we had to make a Phoster about Kidsedchatnz. Phoster is a cool app to use for for makin posters. This is what mine looks like.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Plural Haiku Deck
We are learning how to spell words containing plurals.
Monday, 23 September 2013
We are learning to show integrity and how to use Strip Design. In class we have been learning about integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing when no one else is watching.
My Dad
We are learning how to write a character description using similes.
My Dad has got blue eyes and they shine like a star when he walks in the light. He is very tall like two times bigger than me. He has got brownish black hair, that he puts very sticky gel in, like a very sucky lolly. My Dad's teeth are very white and I can sometimes see his teeth sparkle when he is happy. My Dad's face has got a few wrinkles and his face goes red when he is very hot. He doesn't wear glasses all the time but sometimes when he's reading he wears his old rusty ones from his van.
My Dad has got blue eyes and they shine like a star when he walks in the light. He is very tall like two times bigger than me. He has got brownish black hair, that he puts very sticky gel in, like a very sucky lolly. My Dad's teeth are very white and I can sometimes see his teeth sparkle when he is happy. My Dad's face has got a few wrinkles and his face goes red when he is very hot. He doesn't wear glasses all the time but sometimes when he's reading he wears his old rusty ones from his van.
Dad loves wearing t-shirts and he loves wearing shorts if he has to. My Dad's arms are big and strong. His legs are strong and very fit. He always wears his sneakers. Sometimes he say that he's glad that at his work that what he has to wear is t-shirts and shorts because he loves wearing them. His skin colour is light brownish and his skin is as soft as mine. He is very heavy but not over weight.
My Dad's smile makes me giggle and then I start smiling back. My Dad speaks like a jolly kind of person and when he talks I feel happy because the way he talks makes me want to smile. When you are good Dad is very happy but when you naught Dad can get s angry too. I think my Dad is a fun Dad as well as some grumps but I love him jus the way he is. My Dad is fun around people.
When he bounces on the tramp with me and my sister Hannah we giggle with delate as he bounces us up. When he's at his work and he sees his work friends passing by he will say with a smile, "Hello how's your day been?" Or he'll say, "Hey there mate you need a hand there?" I think my Dad is great at his job and if he swapt a job he wouldn't be as good as what job he's got now. A my Dad's job he has to get up really early.
My Dad loves his house but he says he needs a bigger wardrobe because of all his t-shirts and shorts everywhere. I think m Dad is very cool and he's great at his job too. At home when my Dads reading to me and says, "Do you want more?" I normally say to him with a happy face, "yes please, I would love to hear some more Dad!" I think my Dad is the best Dad in the world and the greatest hugger too. I love my Dad so much.
By Amy
Assembly Dance
We learning a variety of new dance moves and how to dance in time with the music. In our assembly we did a dance. Our student teacher has been teaching us the dance. I felt really excited about the dance. I hope you enjoy it.
We are learning about Kidsedchatnz and how the different twitter symbols work. In our class we made art for our calendar. We made our art about kidsedchatnz. First we had to make the poster on pages. Then we had to put words on it about kidsedchatnz. When we finished that we got to print it. Then Stephen traced twitter birds for us, then he cut them out. We had to colour the birds blue. Then we drawed pictures about twitter and coloured them any colour we wanted. After that we stuck the bird on the poster and we stuck the little pictures on the bird. When you finished you had to show Stephen and he would say if you pasted or not. I hope you like my art.
Friday, 20 September 2013
For Hands-on homework we had to make a 30 hands video about similies. I hope you like it.
Monday, 16 September 2013
In maths we have been learning about rules. I made a poster about rules with Ana. I hope you like it.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Hands-on Homework for this week is to make some art on an app called Artrage. Stephen thought this was a really cool app to work on. I made a picture of a kite flying in the sky. I hope you like it.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Olivia's farewell
For this weeks Hands-on Homework task we had to make a healthy snack to bring to school on Friday. We did this because on friday it was our student teacher Olivia's last day. I bought chopped up carrot, celery, crackers and humus. Here is an Ilapes of me making the healthy food.
Sunday, 25 August 2013
My Air Ship
For Hands-on Homework we had to make a plane to fly on Friday. Instead of making an aeroplane I made an Air Ship. I called it the big pink Air Ship. It flys really well.
Monday, 19 August 2013
RSS the hub launch
At our school it was the hub launch and we were celebrating the library. We all got dressed up in our favourite book characters and I got dressed up as Hermione Granger. At lunch we got to go to the book sale and buy some books. I brought two. My two friends were going as Lunar Love Good and Hermione Granger too.
Friday, 2 August 2013
My Fractions
This week our group has been learning about fractions. Here's a video of my fraction.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Making a Survival Kit
For this weeks Hands-on Homework we had to make a survival kit for our family. A survival kit helps you to stay alive after a flood, earthquake or a hurricane.
Some of the things you will need in your survival kit are: toilet paper, a drink bottle full with water, caned food (don't forget the pets), tarpoline and a sleeping bag.
For more information about what you will need in a cival defence emergency go to the New Zealand Civil Defence website http:www.getthru.govt.nz
Some of the things you will need in your survival kit are: toilet paper, a drink bottle full with water, caned food (don't forget the pets), tarpoline and a sleeping bag.

For more information about what you will need in a cival defence emergency go to the New Zealand Civil Defence website http:www.getthru.govt.nz
Monday, 8 July 2013
Maori Langauge Week
This week it was maori langauge week. For our Hands-on Homework we made a puppet pals for it. I had to do it again and I hope you like it.
My Note Book
For hands-on homework we had to make our own note books. In our books we can put lots of things about ourselves, writing, ideas, drawing, comics and ticket stubs. I hope you like my note book and the video.
Production Writing
Our Production
The minute I stepped in the doors of th regant I could hear people busling with excited faces. I thought to myself, " This is it,is finally happening!". I trotted pasted the doors and up the stairs,trying to carry the tea set (for the production) so it wouldn't slip of the side. When I got up to the changing rooms I found the right one and got changed in Kapa Haka clothes and whizzed down the stairs like a record player taking me back to the start. When I got down to the side of the stage,I went and grabbed a ukulele. Mine was green with a dolphin on the front.
Then I felt my legs instantly stop because I had bumped into Jennifer then she said with a type of tone that was hard to under stand,"Go line up by the wall!". I came to the wall and when I turned around I stared onto the stage,"This is going to be fine Amy, don't worry!" I said to myself quietly. Suddenly Jennifer talked to me,"Please can you go line up and head on stage!" Then I hurried on stage with the uke in my bare hands.
Then I selected a place by Abigals big sister. As I went and strummed along Jennifer was looking at me so I decided to keep on trying my best. When we finished I could see people's eyes staring at the ukes and us then they suddenly started clapping and shouting like maniacs. Once it was finished we went off stage and just then I heard Milania and Ana excitedly say to me, "Are you ready to have a cool time?" I replied back, "Yes!".
It was Kapa Haka now and I slowly went on stage. This was my second year so I felt that I was going to be great! When we went on stage people were staring at us like their eyes could not move at all. I like performing and I really enjoyed the performance. Well after that, we just had to wait...
When I got up stairs I had to get changed immediately. I love my costume, its got a sparkly hat, my slip on shoes and its got a lovely top and skirt to go with it. When I had finished getting changed I played on my I-pad and I let Abigail have a turn too.
Stephen said it was time to go I felt a slit touch of nervously feeling inside my stomach like it was traveling from one side to an other. When we all got down there it was busy with people. There was people chatting, people running, people walking and people sitting still like ice cubs.
When it was our group we went and lined up. I felt very happy and nervous. When me and Grace went in a half oval it felt like we were real tea ladies. Now we were half way through and I felt like a real dancer dancing to the beat. When we were at the end of our dance the boys did their bow and went of and then the girls came on and did there tidy twirl and now they were heading of stage with a tidy twirl again.
After that we went an lined up for the finale dance. When we went on the stage we all looked at the ground and did a little bounce. Once we started I felt like I was bouncing along to the beat. (bounce,bounce,bounce).
When our class got up stairs and found the right room I could not believe the racus. When I finally got changed I went to the stage and waited until I could see my Mum and Dad.
I saw my Mum and Dad waving to me, in a way that means come to us. After I got down from the stage and down the steps, I found my way through the noisy crowd. Once I got past the noisy crowd I could see my Mum's face slowly appearing as I got closer and closer.
When I got up to Mum and Dad they said, "I was proud of you and I loved your performance!" Then they said, "Stay her until we come back with Hannah!" I said back, "Ok I'll stay her with Dad."
Finally when Mum and Hannah came back Hannah Said with a smile on her face,"I think I got a bit lost!" "We'll I'm just glad that your hear now!" I said with the same look on Hannah's face. Just then we had came up to the doors and Dad said excitedly, " Would you like to go and get a hot chocolate from Cafe Cuba?" Then we all charmed out together," Yes!"
When we drived to Cafe Cuba it felt as if we were only driving to the performance once again. Then we came to a stop I came out and rushed out the door of the car. Finally a nice hot chocolate. Then we wachted the ukulele players. Then it was time to go home.
By Amy
Then I selected a place by Abigals big sister. As I went and strummed along Jennifer was looking at me so I decided to keep on trying my best. When we finished I could see people's eyes staring at the ukes and us then they suddenly started clapping and shouting like maniacs. Once it was finished we went off stage and just then I heard Milania and Ana excitedly say to me, "Are you ready to have a cool time?" I replied back, "Yes!".
It was Kapa Haka now and I slowly went on stage. This was my second year so I felt that I was going to be great! When we went on stage people were staring at us like their eyes could not move at all. I like performing and I really enjoyed the performance. Well after that, we just had to wait...
When I got up stairs I had to get changed immediately. I love my costume, its got a sparkly hat, my slip on shoes and its got a lovely top and skirt to go with it. When I had finished getting changed I played on my I-pad and I let Abigail have a turn too.
Stephen said it was time to go I felt a slit touch of nervously feeling inside my stomach like it was traveling from one side to an other. When we all got down there it was busy with people. There was people chatting, people running, people walking and people sitting still like ice cubs.
When it was our group we went and lined up. I felt very happy and nervous. When me and Grace went in a half oval it felt like we were real tea ladies. Now we were half way through and I felt like a real dancer dancing to the beat. When we were at the end of our dance the boys did their bow and went of and then the girls came on and did there tidy twirl and now they were heading of stage with a tidy twirl again.
After that we went an lined up for the finale dance. When we went on the stage we all looked at the ground and did a little bounce. Once we started I felt like I was bouncing along to the beat. (bounce,bounce,bounce).
When our class got up stairs and found the right room I could not believe the racus. When I finally got changed I went to the stage and waited until I could see my Mum and Dad.
I saw my Mum and Dad waving to me, in a way that means come to us. After I got down from the stage and down the steps, I found my way through the noisy crowd. Once I got past the noisy crowd I could see my Mum's face slowly appearing as I got closer and closer.
When I got up to Mum and Dad they said, "I was proud of you and I loved your performance!" Then they said, "Stay her until we come back with Hannah!" I said back, "Ok I'll stay her with Dad."
Finally when Mum and Hannah came back Hannah Said with a smile on her face,"I think I got a bit lost!" "We'll I'm just glad that your hear now!" I said with the same look on Hannah's face. Just then we had came up to the doors and Dad said excitedly, " Would you like to go and get a hot chocolate from Cafe Cuba?" Then we all charmed out together," Yes!"
When we drived to Cafe Cuba it felt as if we were only driving to the performance once again. Then we came to a stop I came out and rushed out the door of the car. Finally a nice hot chocolate. Then we wachted the ukulele players. Then it was time to go home.
By Amy
Friday, 5 July 2013
Basic Facts
Since the start of the year we have been doing our basic facts tests. I think I have do really well because I know my basic facts. At the start of the year my score was 53 and this week my score was 91!
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Cereal Ad
We were making Cereal and we thought it would be good to make an ad for it too. I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
My weekend with Gruffalo
In the weekend I took Gruffalo home. We had a great time. He came to swimming lessons with me on Friday. Then on Saturday we went to Zirca Circus. It was magnificent. We saw motor bikes doing tricks in a big metal wheel. There were 7 people doing cool tricks on chairs. I felt like every minute watching them that they were going to fall but luckily they didn't. After that we went to my cousins house to have a swim and guess what, we even got to stay there for tea. Gruffalo and Me had a fun weekend.
Cup Song
This is our cup song from our assembly. We all worked really hard on it and all our work had finally payed off! I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Production Night
Yesterday night it was our production. I was very excited and nervous too. It was fun doing it so what are you waiting for watch the video and leave a comment.
Area and Perimeter
WALT:To find the perimeter and area of a shape. In our class we have been learning about the area and the perimeter. We had to measure the Town Square, (rectangle).
The Area is the distance inside of the shape and the Perimeter is the outside of the shape.
Here is the Area of the square =50,000m
Here is the Perimeter =900m
The Area is the distance inside of the shape and the Perimeter is the outside of the shape.
Here is the Area of the square =50,000m
Here is the Perimeter =900m
Friday, 14 June 2013
My Jingle
For hands-on homework we had to make a jingle for our cereal,that we are making and selling. The cereal is called 365 because the classes that are involved are rooms 3,6 and 5. Room 6 is making the cereal,room 3 is packaging it and my room,room 5 are selling it. I hope you like my jingle.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
WALT: To read with fluency and expression
SUCCESS CRITERIA: To be successful we need to...
- Read at a steady pace, not to fast and not to slow
- Read each sentence with accuracy, not making too many mistakes
- Use good phrasing, paying attention to punctuation and sentence structure
- Change my voice to show feeling or to sound like different characters
SELF ASSESSMENT: Did you achieve the WALT? Explain why?
Yes, because I read at a steady pace & read every sentence nicely.
Monday, 10 June 2013
My Hamburger
For art we made Hamburgers. We had to put on healthy food,well I kind of put on un healthy food on it to. I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Cross Country Reflection
Before the race.
Before the race at Cross Country I felt nervous and a bit scared about were I was going to come. I was waiting with Shanae and Rosalind and I think they felt nervous too. I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt them flying in my stomach. Now we had to head over to the starting line. I was terrified. First Nick told us to do some stretches and some warm ups. Then we all heard a loud honk and then we were off.
During the race.
I felt the wind passing through my face and I could hear a loudish and but rubbishy kind of smell passing by it was a rubbish truck. After I had past the truck I could hear a faint noise of cheering that means that I was getting close to finishing so I said to my self"Keep on going,don't give up". When I came in pass the gate I could see my Mum cheering for me. Now I had come to the last bit then I wouldn't feel so tired.
After the race.
When I had finished I was so proud of finishing my race and then my Mum came up and said"well done on coming 3rd place". Then I went over to my sisters class and said"Hannah guess what I came 3rd!" and then Hannah hugged me. But then it was time for my Mum to go so I hugged her and said"good bye". Then we had to go to lunch and I felt hungry. Then I said that it was"very yummy" .
The end.
Before the race at Cross Country I felt nervous and a bit scared about were I was going to come. I was waiting with Shanae and Rosalind and I think they felt nervous too. I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt them flying in my stomach. Now we had to head over to the starting line. I was terrified. First Nick told us to do some stretches and some warm ups. Then we all heard a loud honk and then we were off.
During the race.
I felt the wind passing through my face and I could hear a loudish and but rubbishy kind of smell passing by it was a rubbish truck. After I had past the truck I could hear a faint noise of cheering that means that I was getting close to finishing so I said to my self"Keep on going,don't give up". When I came in pass the gate I could see my Mum cheering for me. Now I had come to the last bit then I wouldn't feel so tired.
After the race.
When I had finished I was so proud of finishing my race and then my Mum came up and said"well done on coming 3rd place". Then I went over to my sisters class and said"Hannah guess what I came 3rd!" and then Hannah hugged me. But then it was time for my Mum to go so I hugged her and said"good bye". Then we had to go to lunch and I felt hungry. Then I said that it was"very yummy" .
The end.
Friday, 24 May 2013
Healthy Food Pyramid
In our class we have been learning about healthy food. Today in my lunch box I think that I have a pretty good lunch. Take a look at our food pyramid too.
My smoothie
For Hands-on homework we had to make a healthy smoothie. I made a banana smoothie. I put in some banana,milk,rolled oats and some yoghurt. I hope you like my video.
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
My Quiz
Ana and I made a quiz reavoloution about maths today in class. I hope you like it!
Thursday, 16 May 2013
4 pic 1 word
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Marae Reflection
What did you most enjoy about the Marae stay?the gorge walk
What are you most proud of yourself for from the Marae stay?staying away from home for the night
What activity did you find the most challenging at the Marae and why? Poi challenging because it was hard to qdo the swinging part
What did you learn about Maori culture or customs?I learnt that before you eat they say a prere
What are you most proud of yourself for from the Marae stay?staying away from home for the night
What activity did you find the most challenging at the Marae and why? Poi challenging because it was hard to qdo the swinging part
What did you learn about Maori culture or customs?I learnt that before you eat they say a prere
Monday, 13 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
My Maths
Here is my maths that I'm going to share with you.
Monday, 6 May 2013
In the holidays
In the holidays it was my sisters birthday. Her birthday is on the 3rd of may and Maraki's sister peara her birthday is only 1 day after Hannah's. We went to Bead Bazaar for her birthday. Hannah got to invite 7 people but only 6 could come. Once we got started I went and got my special bead to hang in the middle. I chose a purple bead and it was a 3d bead. Then I went and got heaps of pink glow in the dark beads. Now I was starting to get my beads into a necklace kind of shape. Once I was done I got to put some coloured string on and I chose light purple. Now since it was all done I got to put it on and I think that it looked very pretty ! Now we walked all the way to our car and went home.
The end
The end
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Anzac Day
On Anzac Day I went to the civic service at the cenotaph In The Square. There were a lot of people. I watched soldiers marching in. I listened to some speeches and we sang some songs. A helicopter flew low over our heads making a loud thudding noise. Some people laid wreaths on the cenotaph. I went up close and had a look at them. They were made of flowers. I thought they looked very pretty. I liked going to the service.
Anzac Day poster
For our Hands-on Homework Stephen asked us to make a poster all about Anzac Day. We were allowed to do our poster in the holidays. I used Comic Life to create my poster and read some books about Anzac Day.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Swimming Sports
Swimming sports + esplanade
Yesterday I went to the ledo to have our swimming sports. I was so exited. We had four house teams called keadado kea tui and kiwi. We had some buses waiting for us outside of the school. When we got on the bus I sat at the back by Milania and Serena. While I was on the bus it was very bumpy and whenever we went over bumps we all went up and down on the seets. It seamed like we were all like very wobly jelly on a plate.
After we got there David said, ”We went here to see how confident we were in swimming and to give swimming a go."We had all of the seniors there and all of the teachers of the seniors there.When we got there we had to wait for a little bit then it was the width races the width races were so fun to watch. When they were starting fluter bord races and I thought that one of my friends were going to win but they did’nt.
Now it was the 25 meters for frestiyle my hart started pumping. After the year 6 boys and girls it was the 5 boys and girls then David said in a big vouse "year 4 girls” and I got butterfly’s in my tummy strat away. We started when the honker went I slittly went and got in the pool and started swimming. I feel as if I was just about to bump into the sides of the pool it was so close. I came 4th because I keept on bumping into Grace. We had to wait awhile again then it was our turn and we were doing backstroke!
In backstroke I felt like I was just about to bang into the side again but l did’nt. I said to myself quietly ,”that I just had to keep on going.”after I said that to myself I pasted Rosiland. After our race I came 2nd and Bella came 1st I got a blue stick.
Soon after we had to wait a bite and I was so getting bord like a hard rock. It was a bit of a harey now because we were running a bit late! Then Nick said,"that we were to go into brethstroke."
We had to go and line up behind the plat for then we got in. I was scared because I was’nt very good at this. Soon we were in the pool racing for our life and at the end I got discolafide because I did ‘nt touch the end of the pool with to hands but I know had I touched it with two hands and Ana reconds I do to because she saw the tap.
After that we had to get dressed and go find our class and line up. My Mum was whatching me so I feel really prode of myself. After swimming we went to the esplanarde and I knew it was going to be fun because I had never done this before.
Me and my friends were walking through the bush now and I was wering bare feet. It was herting like one big stone hitting against the bottom of my foot. I could nealy see the esplanade only 16 feet away. We came to the esplanade and now we had all sit down under neth a tree it was shady under neth the tree and it was very comfy. We here David,Ebony and James speck and we all stop and listen. They were all talking about how we all respect the propite and how we share everything here and no fighting. Finally James said we could go and play I was very happy and the first thing I went on was the flying fox I went on there once and then I went on the little trampolen. Then I went to play with my friends.
Finally we had to go back to school and I felt a bit sad because I didn't want to go back to school but I knew we all had to go.
Now we were going to get in the bus and I sat by Logan. There was no one in front of us so we put our bags on those very squshi seats. On the way back I talked to Olivia and Aye and Olivia had a sore foot because she had scraped her self on the bark after she had a blister.
On the bus it was very bumpy and very noisy. Once we got back to school it was lunch time and I was still hungry and I saw heaps of people staring at us.
Once we got up to our classroom I went to go play with my friends.
I was happy that I competed in lots of races and I was proud of all of the hard work that I did to accomplish it.
The end!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
My Bird
In our class we made some new zealand birds and I chose a morpork. We had to use water colors. We made shore that our colors blended in with the colors that we used. Here's what my picture looks like.
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